The Benefits of Hiring an Elder Law Attorney for Medicaid Planning

While there are a number of benefits to hiring an elder law attorney to assist with Medicaid planning, many seniors fail to do so. Unfortunately, this often results in unexpected problems and missed opportunities to take advantage of the many benefits offered by Medicaid. Below are some of the benefits of hiring an elder law attorney to assist with Medicaid planning in Mississippi.  

  • Avoidance of conflicts of interest – When a nursing home refers the family of a resident to a non-lawyer for assistance with the preparation of Medicaid documentation, the non-lawyer typically has loyalties to both the facility that provided the referral and the client applying for benefits. When the facility and the person preparing the documentation both want the Medicaid application to be successful, there is no conflict. However, it often benefits nursing homes when residents pay privately for as long as possible before going on Medicaid, and this can provide an incentive on the part of non-lawyers to ensure that Medicaid applications are delayed or denied. An elder law attorney hired to assist with Medicaid planning, however, only has a duty to his or her client, thereby eliminating conflict of interest concerns. 
  • Experience and knowledge – Elder law attorneys, through years of practice, develop the experience and knowledge necessary to successfully advise their clients on how to achieve their legal goals, regardless of what they may be. And in the elder law arena, these goals are often related to Medicaid. 
  • The availability of malpractice insurance – When an attorney or other professional makes an inadvertent error, malpractice insurance typically covers the loss. However, other advisers in the Medicaid arena often lack such coverage. Therefore, while mistakes by experienced elder law attorneys are rare, clients can rest easy with the assurance that unlikely errors will be covered. 
  • Peace of mind – Finally, consultation with an experienced Mississippi elder law attorney will provide you with the peace of mind that you have all your bases covered in regard to Medicaid planning. An experienced attorney will take legal issues into consideration during the process that other Medicaid advisers may miss, ensuring that you receive all of the benefits you are entitled to. 

Mississippi Elder Law Attorneys

Whether you need assistance with Medicaid planning or require guidance on other issues such as end-of-life decisions, unexpected incapacity, public benefits eligibility, or other important matters, the experienced Mississippi elder law attorneys of Palmer & Slay, PLLC, are here to help. At Palmer & Slay, PLLC, our Mississippi elder law lawyers utilize our education, experience, talents, and abilities to provide excellent legal service to clients in Rankin County and the Jackson metropolitan area. Whether practicing in the areas of elder law, estate planning, probate law, or others, our goal is to help our clients achieve peace of mind by providing the most effective and efficient legal assistance possible. Please contact us today for a consultation.