Over the years, our firm has helped many Veterans in Rankin and Scott Counties get the disability benefits and improved pension income they earned and deserve. In that process, we have learned a great deal about hidden and unusual benefits that many Veterans do not know about. Below is a list of 5 of them that you or your family may want to take advantage of.
5 Benefits Veterans Should Look Into
1. Hearing Aids
The most common injury suffered by military personnel is hearing loss. Most of it is caused by noise exposure — think gunfire, aircraft engines, tanks, heavy equipment, and explosions.
Because it is such a common problem, the DoD and the VA both have programs offering hearing aids and hearing aid batteries and accessories at low or no cost.
2. Free Tax Preparation
Veterans who make $55,000 or less can get their taxes done and filed electronically for free through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. The volunteer tax preppers are trained to handle veteran-specific tax issues.
3. Low-Cost Loans
Veterans who are buying a home, starting a business, or furthering their education are eligible for low-cost loans or special assistance.
The VA works with private lenders to secure favorable terms for Veterans:
- No downpayment unless required by the lender or the purchase price is more than the reasonable value of the property
- No private mortgage insurance premium requirement
- VA rules limit the amount you can be charged for closing costs
- Closing costs may be paid by the seller
- The lender can’t charge you a penalty fee if you pay the loan off early
- VA may be able to provide you some assistance if you run into difficulty making payments
The Small Business Administration provides no-fee loans to Veterans who are starting or expanding a business. The SBA also provides veterans access to business counseling and training, and business development opportunities through government contracts.
The VA helps Veterans, service members, and their qualified family members, find the right school or training program, get career counseling, and pay for their education.
4. Death Benefits
When a Veteran dies, his or her loved ones can request a flag to drape over the casket and a note of recognition from the President. The VA also provides free headstones or grave markers to Veterans.
5. Presidential Greetings
If you or someone you know is celebrating a special event, accomplishment, or milestone, you can request a personalized note from the White House. This is not a Veteran-specific benefit, but it is one many Veterans appreciate.
To request one, you may contact your representatives in the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives, or mail a request to the White House.
Anniversary greetings will be sent to couples who are celebrating a 50th, 60th, 70th or later wedding anniversary.
Birthday greetings will be sent only to newborns and people turning 80 or older or veterans turning 70 or older.
You Protected Us, And We Are Ready To Return The Favor
Working with Veterans is one of the most rewarding parts of our job. If you or your loved one needs assistance applying for traditional benefits — like disability pay or an improved pension — we are ready to help. But we are also here if you are looking for assistance getting some of the more unusual benefits Veterans are eligible for. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with a member of our team.